Press release
Alicia wins the NVGA Insurance Innovation Award!
25 May 2022
On April 14th, the yearly NVGA Innovation Awards took place, with Alicia as one of the nominees. And after presentations, interviews and patiently waiting, Alicia was officially crowned as the top MGA innovation of 2022!
The awards, organised by the Dutch Association for Managing General Agents (NVGA), aims to further encourage innovation within the MGA field, ultimately translating to change in the insurance industry as a whole. MGAs are the perfect vehicle to spur innovation and change within the insurance industry, with the use of smart technology and data.
To quote AMweb, “The best innovations help solve a social problem”. And that is exactly what Alicia aims to do: fix a growing social issue by working with and enabling the insurance industry to innovate and (better) service freelancers.
As the prize was handed to our CEO Marijn Moerman and CTO Richard Arnold, a special thanks was attributed to our partnering risk carriers. Without them, Alicia wouldn’t be able to service platforms and freelancers the way we do.
We want to thank the organising parties for the honour and our risk carriers for the continuous trust and support!