Value addition

Value addition

Value addition

Value addition

6 tailored products





Hourly premium

World of work

HeadFirst Group x Alicia

Fully embedded collective insurance for white collar independent professionals.






€ 150 mio

€ 150 mio

€ 150 mio





The challenge

Nowadays, many freelancers find assignments through online platforms. And with the rising number of freelancers, also comes an increase in work platforms.

It raises the question: how do you gain freelancers’ preference and loyalty in an increasingly competitive field?

The answer lies in value added services, going above and beyond to make freelancers’ lives easier.

HeadFirst Group – an international fullservice HR service provider and the largest platform for professionals in the Netherlands – has long cracked this code, offering a range of truly valuable services. On their platform Select, professionals can choose between three different packages including different levels of beneficial services, ranging from education programmes to faster payments to, you guessed it, insurance.

Looking to offer insurance that’s fully embedded, and fit both the needs of the independent professionals as well as the company ambitions for years to come, HeadFirst Group and Alicia were a perfect match.

HeadFirst Group and Alicia were a perfect match – to fit both the needs of the professionals, and the company ambitions for years to come.

The solution

HeadFirst Group’s Professional Services called for a collective insurance product, to match and maintain the ease with which their professionals can get started on their platform Select.

So Alicia Benefits and HeadFirst Group selected a package of collective insurance products that best fit the needs of professionals. ‘Fit’ being the keyword here, thanks to the knowledge HeadFirst Group has on the assignments their professionals take on. Their knowledge gives more insight into what an independent professional will actually be doing during their assignment. Using this data, professionals’ coverage is adjusted based on the assignments they take on, to make sure they’re always protected properly.

This data-driven approach results in products that reflect the risks and work of the group more closely. Long story short: professionals get the coverage they need, for a lower contribution thanks to this smart collaboration.

The collaboration between HeadFirst Group and Alicia Benefits makes it infinitely easier for independent professionals to work on their assignments well-protected.



€ 150 mio

protected revenue



More interesting insights

(if we do say so ourselves)


EP 2 – making user-centric insurance

Listen along while Marijn & Patrick talk about all things user-centricity.


The Alicia Insurance check-in

Freelancer compliance has never been easier, thanks to the Insurance Check-in. Make hiring easier for everyone.


World of work

Help boost freelancer attraction and retention, and enjoy easier sales with fully compliant freelancers.

More interesting insights

(if we do say so ourselves)


EP 2 – making user-centric insurance

Listen along while Marijn & Patrick talk about all things user-centricity.


The Alicia Insurance check-in

Freelancer compliance has never been easier, thanks to the Insurance Check-in. Make hiring easier for everyone.


World of work

Help boost freelancer attraction and retention, and enjoy easier sales with fully compliant freelancers.

More interesting insights

(if we do say so ourselves)


EP 2 – making user-centric insurance

Listen along while Marijn & Patrick talk about all things user-centricity.


The Alicia Insurance check-in

Freelancer compliance has never been easier, thanks to the Insurance Check-in. Make hiring easier for everyone.


World of work

Help boost freelancer attraction and retention, and enjoy easier sales with fully compliant freelancers.

What can we do for you?

Whether you're new to insurance or an industry pro, we can help you out with a variety of things.

Let's determine what you need, together.

Impactful insurance plans

Let's make insurance a successful addition to your business.

Tailored, user-centric products

Need fitting insurance products? With our 10+ risk carrier partners, we can craft just what you need.

Modular tech platform

Our end-to-end tech can fix all your insurance technology needs. Or just pick the modules you need.

Monitoring and optimisation

We can push your insurance uptake to peak performance to achieve a sustainable earning model.

What can we do for you?

Whether you're new to insurance or an industry pro, we can help you out with a variety of things.

Let's determine what you need, together.

Impactful insurance plans

Let's make insurance a successful addition to your business.

Tailored, user-centric products

Need fitting insurance products? With our 10+ risk carrier partners, we can craft just what you need.

Modular tech platform

Our end-to-end tech can fix all your insurance technology needs. Or just pick the modules you need.

Monitoring and optimisation

We can push your insurance uptake to peak performance to achieve a sustainable earning model.

Curious what we can do for you?


Alicia Insurance

Coolsingel 104

3011AG Rotterdam

+31 (0)10 899 0432

[email protected]

Follow us on Linkedin


Alicia Insurance B.V.

AFM 12046794

KvK 75354608

Alicia MGA B.V.

AFM 12009343

KvK 24280088

2025 Alicia


Alicia Insurance

Coolsingel 104

3011AG Rotterdam

+31 (0)10 899 0432

[email protected]

Follow us on Linkedin


Alicia Insurance B.V.

AFM 12046794

KvK 75354608

Alicia MGA B.V.

AFM 12009343

KvK 24280088

2025 Alicia


Alicia Insurance

Coolsingel 104

3011AG Rotterdam

+31 (0)10 899 0432

[email protected]

Follow us on Linkedin


Alicia Insurance B.V.

AFM 12046794

KvK 75354608

Alicia MGA B.V.

AFM 12009343

KvK 24280088

2025 Alicia